Palestinian Embroidery Motifs

Authors: Margarita Skinner and Widad Kamel Kawar

Publisher: Rimal Books


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Unlike previously published books on Palestinian Embroidery, this book is the first to document all the different motifs by origin and names used on the old dresses.


The tradition of embroidery is one of the great art forms of village life in Palestine. From mother to daughter, each generation added new inspirations to the traditional designs. Women would meet on market days, for family celebrations and of course at the pilgrims’ meeting places and gain muse from each other.

Margarita Skinner of Switzerland in collaboration with Widad Kawar of Jordan provides us with a glimpse into the history of embroidery, starting with the invention of the needle some 20,000 years ago. Over 200 Palestinian motifs of the period 1850-1950 have been illustrated.


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